What SWFL Is Talking About 12/20
Southwest Florida News
Due to an increase in what the Cape Coral Police Department has determined is gang-related activity, the department has revoked the after hours permit of The Dixie Roadhouse. This all a result of an all-out brawl that occurred at the popular Country nightclub in the Cape last month, plus other incidents. The decision to revoke the permit stems from an “increasing threat to the public health, safety and welfare according to the department’s statement. Dixie Roadhouse will now be forced to close at 2am.
A Lee County Deputy has been placed on leave after an incident at the Big Ten Tavern in Cape Coral. Officer Michael Newborn allegedly was involved in an incident the same night a second patron was arrested at the bar for drunken behavior. It’s not clear if the two incidents are related.
FWC has released it’s latest red tide report, and there’s good news and bad. The good news levels of red tide are the lowest they’ve been in several weeks, but fish and animal kills continue to be reported in our area.
Our colleagues at NBC-2 are reporting that an 11 foot Great White Shark has been spotted off the Southwest Florida Coast….and he even has a name….Nova…Nova who’s been fitted with a transmitter, pinged a couple of hundred miles off the Southwest Florida coast earlier this week. He was originally tagged in Nova Scotia.
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