Lee Clerk of Court – Jury Duty Suspended through April 17
Lee Clerk of Court – Jury Duty Suspended through April 17
Fort Myers, Fl., March 25, 2020 – The Florida State Supreme Court issued a new Administrative Order late yesterday further suspending all jury trials through Friday, April 17, 2020. The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a massive effect upon the operations of the Clerks and the State Courts System.
Anyone with a summons for jury duty dated between now and April 17, 2020 is not required to report to the Clerk’s Office for jury duty. If you are unsure if your summons is impacted by this Order, please call the number provided on the summons or visit the Jury Duty page on www.LeeClerk.org.
The new order also extends an earlier suspension of speedy trial rules and related court procedures. Please visit Noteworthy Information on the home page of www.LeeClerk.org for updated information on the Court Schedules and Clerk services.
The Clerk’s Office will continue to keep all customer face-to-face services closed until further notice in accordance with the CDC protocols to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. At the same time, we are committed to providing critical services to this community in the best way possible.
Please visit www.LeeClerk.org for daily updates, online services, drop-off information, mailing addresses, and other contact information. Stay safe and act responsibly.