Everyone’s Phone Will Be Sounding Off Today Around 2:20
It’s gonna sound crazy if you’re in a room with a lot of people, the Emergency Alert System is conducting tests today (Wednesday 8/11) starting at 2:20. The test will be sent to every tv and radio station, plus, according to ABC, the Wireless Emergency Alert will be sent to all cellphones that have opted to receive messages.
The message, according to FEMA, will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
There seems to be about a 30 minute window for the test so we’re not exactly sure when it’s going to happen. When the alert hits everyone’s phone at the same time – we’ll know.
We'll be conducting a national test in coordination with @FCC of the Emergency Alert System at 2:20 PM ET on Aug 11. The test will go to televisions & radios, while specially configured cell phones will receive an emergency alert test code message. #IPAWShttps://t.co/var1irGebr pic.twitter.com/0eZEaLmtTS
— FEMA (@fema) August 9, 2021
According to some on the internet, the purpose of this tone is to activate the microchips that were implanted when the vaccine was administered.
Will be signaling the microchips from the vaccine inside the vaccinated. 😂
— Mary Mable (@MMable) August 11, 2021
I love the internet.