“Taco” the Tiny Gopher Tortoise Rescued by Bradenton Police Department
In a world where crime-fighting usually involves capes and cool gadgets, the Bradenton Police Department stumbled upon an unexpected hero on a typical Tuesday… A tiny gopher tortoise! Look out, Batman! Taco the Tortoise is here to save the day!
According to WTSP, the Bradenton police officers were minding their own business when they discovered a gopher tortoise seeking refuge at their Community Oriented Policing House. The little fellow was probably trying to enroll in their crime-fighting academy, thinking it was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle headquarters.
Now, this tortoise was no ordinary reptile. According to the police, Taco seemed a bit “shell-shocked”. Understandable, really. Who wouldn’t be if they found themselves amidst a bunch of humans in uniform?
In a daring slow-speed pursuit that probably involved a lot of “go, go, go” and dramatic turtle-chase music, two officers managed to apprehend Taco. No high-speed chases or dramatic showdowns just a couple of officers wrangling a tortoise, no biggie.
The officers decided that Taco deserved a name. And what better name for a tortoise than Taco? It’s Tuesday, after all, and Taco Tuesday should be celebrated by tortoises too.
Now it’s actually illegal to handle and relocate a gopher tortoise in Florida without the proper permits.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission insists on it. So, remember, if you spot a tortoise trying to cross a busy road, you can help it out but only if it’s safe. Also only point them the same way they were going.
As for Taco, don’t worry. He might have been “chewed a little,” but he’s in the capable hands of the FWC. Soon enough, he’ll be back in tip-top shape, ready to resume his superhero training.
Who needs a Bat-Signal when you have a Tortoise-Shell Signal?
15 Fictional Pets You Wish Were Your Own
Real pets, fictional pets, we love them all. Most humans tend to love animals. There’s a reason dogs are called man’s best friend.
You can talk to your pet and they won’t talk back. They love you unconditionally and they show you. They make the cutest little faces that melt your heart.
When we lose a pet, it’s like losing a member of the family, well it is losing a member of the family. They become your children, siblings to your kids, they’re one of us.
When we came across this list of fictional pets, we had to share. Ranker recently put a list together of some of the cutest fictional pets on the big screen and television over the last several decades, that you wish were your own.
There are far too many to share here, so you can see all of the adorably famous pups and pets here. I went ahead and chose the top 15 based off of my discussion with my co worker Joe.
We were both surprisingly passionate about these on screen animals. I got especially pulled in seeing Shadow from Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. My kids refuse to watch movies that aren’t in HD, so I forget about some of my own childhood favorites.
Clearly from my list, you’ll see I prefer dogs. I did rank these in order of my personal favorites. Tell us yours in the comments.
Here are 15 Fictional Pets You Wish Were Your Own
Meet Budman, dynamic host of Marconi Award winning radio station WXKB's WiLD Bunch Morning Show, on B1039. Budman likes to write about funny news, a good Florida man story, stupid criminals or anything involving a superhero. Budman, a comic book and pop culture enthusiast, even named his daughter Kara Zor-El, after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the mic. Being a dad is his favorite role. Budman, a true family man, balances his love for radio with quality time spent with loved ones and his trusty dogs.