STARability Foundation’s Annual Gala Aims To Top Last Year’s $2.8M Fundraising Success
The room was buzzing as 550 guests came together to help adults with developmental disabilities in Southwest Florida for the 7th annual STAR Gala hosted by the STARability Foundation. The night kicked off with dinner and featured amazing performances and lively auctions over three hours.
In one special moment, program members got up to perform “This Is Me” from “The Greatest Showman.” The room sparkled with stars above while donors showed their support with generous gifts below.
“It funds our operating expenses each year,” Karen Govern, CEO of StarAbility, told Wink News. “We are always so thrilled to have our participants, our star participants, as part of the event, whether they are performing as they did tonight or whether they’re volunteering as greeters or in some other capacity to help out with the event.”
Last year’s gala hit a new high, bringing in $2.8 million, while this year’s event brought in over $500,000 in a live auction and more than $1.7 million through the Fund-a-Need initiative.