Women’s History Month
Women in Wine in Southwest Florida.
There are lots of women in wine in Southwest Florida. And I'm not taking about the women who like to consumer wine...me being one of them. Wrapping up Women's History Month, I was asked to write a story about women making history in wine...locally. Southwest Florida doesn't have any vineyards so we don't have any women winemakers here. Well, some have family here and visit quite often. Some might have vacation homes here. But no women winemakers, that I know of, reside here permanently. However there are women who make a difference in the wine world and to wine connoisseurs locally by importing and distributing unique brands, and by searching out and selling wines from all over the world in their retail outlets and tasting rooms. People often ask me where and how they can learn more about wine. I write about a few of those places here and give you a look at the women who make it all happen. [embed]https://www.news-press.com/story/entertainment/dining/2022/03/23/women-owned-businesses-restaurants-wine-naples-fort-myers-import/7073860001/[/embed] Keep up the good work ladies! Cheers to the women in wine in Southwest Florida. When it comes to women making a splash in the wine world, globally, I love the story of the McBride Sisters. They not only make good wine, they also give back, supporting other women in the wine and spirits business. Check out my latest Wine Wednesday pick here.