Going into the holidays we definitely saw an uptick in traffic in Fort Myers. Now that it’s spring things are much worse. I knew things have been getting increasingly worse traffic-wise over the years but I didn’t think this. According to a traffic congestion ranking index, the Fort Myers-Cape Coral metro area is now seen as the 13th worse in the country for traffic congestion. Heading to the other coast for spring break? Miami is much worse. So how is this ranking done?
According to TomTom “We calculate the baseline per city by analyzing free-flow travel times of all vehicles on the entire road network – recorded 24/7, 365 days a year. This information allows us to also calculate, for example, how much extra time a driver will spend in traffic during rush hour.”
So the devices in our cars know whether we’re moving or stopped in traffic. The data is then compiled to determine in which cities you’re most likely to be stuck and not moving on the roads. From this, they determine a ‘congestion level’ which is a percentage. From there a formula is used to determine how much time the average commuter loses each year sitting in traffic. It’s data like this that shows why living close to where you work and shop is ideal. So how much time do you lose each year sitting in traffic? It’s not hours. It’s days.