The Internet Has Tons Of Theories On Taylor Swift’s Newest Video
“…Ready For It?” hasn’t even released yet, but based on the teaser alone, it looks as if the internet has it all figured out. Taylor Swift is as calculated as…

1. Taylor Swift – $170 Million
(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The Huffington Post)"...Ready For It?" hasn't even released yet, but based on the teaser alone, it looks as if the internet has it all figured out.
Taylor Swift is as calculated as they come, and she recently released a trailer for her upcoming video, in which it looks as if she's battling a version of herself.
People have been making a ton of different claims based on what they see, including that Taylor looking like she's almost naked is a dig at Kanye West's "Famous" video, where Taylor was depicted in wax figure, completely naked.
Personally, I saw more of a connection between the bodysuited Taylor and the idea of her looking like Scarlett Johansson in 'The Ghost In The Shell.' Also, these headlines saying that she's *totally nude* is pretty clickbait-y, considering she's wearing some CGI type suit.
Fans are also believing that Taylor is going to go at Calvin Harris, simply from the use of lightning in her title block.
People are also noting that if there is a video for this song as well, then this may be a visual album, which solidifies our theories from almost a year ago, that she would be going a la 'Lemonade' and creating her own visual album.
The video is rumored to be released Thursday, so we don't have much more time to create theories.
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