Don’t Touch Your Microwave At Work!
This might make you cringe. Have you ever thought about the number of germs that are on the microwave door handle at work? Eeek. A study was done by Kimberly…

Front view of an angry couple looking each other sideways after argument in the kitchen during breakfast at home
AntonioGuillem / ThinkStockThis might make you cringe.
Have you ever thought about the number of germs that are on the microwave door handle at work? Eeek. A study was done by Kimberly Clark Professional. They said microwave oven doors at offices are among the most germ-ridden things you could touch. There was a high level of contamination found on the handles they studied. There is an increased risk of illness being transferred from person to person. The second place with the most germs in your office was sink faucet handles. The study suggests sanitizing wipes should be made available for employees to wipe things down. There should also be a good amount of hand sanitizer for people to use as well. When was the last time your work microwave was cleaned? Does this information make you want to lead the charge to sanitize things around your workplace?