Here’s How to Get Free McDonald’s Fries Every Day Through September 30
Some call it Friday but when free fries are involved it becomes Fry-Day! McDonald’s is giving away free fries through September 30th. You have to do two things: spend at…

MIAMI BEACH, FL – JULY 18: Jeff Baughman unwraps his Double Quarterpounder with cheese and a Super Fries and a Super Coke on July 18, 2002 at a McDonalds in Miami Beach, Florida. The health effects of an American diet of super-sized fast foods are becoming apparent as increasing numbers of children and adults are being treated for obesity. Studies seem to point to the fact that many overweight children and adults get a large portion of their calories by consuming too many sodas and sweetened juices and beverages. Sweetened drinks + “super-sized” meals + the convenience of fast food + a decrease in physical activity = a recipe for obesity. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)Some call it Friday but when free fries are involved it becomes Fry-Day! McDonald's is giving away free fries through September 30th.
You have to do two things: spend at least $1 and download and order through their app. Don't want fries? They have other offers. Every Tuesday and Thursday you can get a free soda. If you order 5 coffee drinks through the app the 6th one is free. McDonald's is focusing on their app to attract Millennials who want convenience and speed when ordering. Which fast food chain has the best fries? Are you a drive thru person, in store person or order through the app type of person?