Naked Florida Man on Trampoline Gets Arrested in Slippery Standoff
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping… Oh, and the Naked Florida Man is jumping on a trampoline covered in grease and peppermint oil. Just another day in the…

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping... Oh, and the Naked Florida Man is jumping on a trampoline covered in grease and peppermint oil. Just another day in the Sunshine State, am I right?
According to Fox 35, it all started when Blake Tokman, a 34-year-old resident of DeBary, decided to break into not one, but two houses. Clearly, he was feeling ambitious. But the real question is: why did he decide to grease himself up like a Thanksgiving turkey and douse himself in peppermint oil? Was he trying to disguise himself as a giant candy cane? Or perhaps he was just trying to make himself as slippery as possible to avoid getting caught by the cops. We may never know.
But one thing is for sure: the cops had their work cut out for them when they arrived on the scene. They had to apprehend a naked, greased-up man who was jumping on a trampoline. It's like a scene straight out of a comedy movie, except this time it's real life.
Thankfully, the cops were able to capture the whole thing on video. Watching them try to catch him is like watching a group of toddlers trying to catch a greased pig at a county fair. Except this time it's a fully grown man who may or may not be high on drugs.
And can we talk about the peppermint oil for a second? Was he trying to mask the smell of the grease? Or was he just trying to freshen his breath? These are the important questions we need answers to.
In the end, Blake was arrested and charged with two counts of burglary. But the real winner here is the internet, who now has a hilarious video to watch whenever they need a good laugh. So, here's to you, Naked Trampoline Florida Man. May your slippery shenanigans live on in infamy.
Florida Man Criminal Found Hiding In A North Fort Myers Attic With His Face Against The Air Duct To Breathe
Over the weekend the Lee County Sheriff's Office responded to a burglary in progress at a home on 4th Way in North Fort Myers. When the cops entered the house they could hear the Florida Man criminal walking in the attic. Also, they found a 5 gallon bucket on the floor under the attic access and insulation on the floor. This Florida man needs to work on his ninja stealth abilities. But he was resourceful in other ways.
The deputies yelled for him to come down out of the attic, but Florida Man did not respond. The cops put a non lethal gas canister into the attic to smoke him out. He buried himself in the insulation with his face against the air duct system to breathe fresh air. No go on the smoke.
So they had to go up there and get him. Keep in mind how hot it gets in a Florida attic. That's when Florida Man Bruce Davis surrendered. Dude's covered in itchy insulation and the cops are like "we should take his picture first". I get it, this pic could make some solid memes.
What was he doing in the house? According to LCSO "A search of the home also revealed a broken window, appliances in use, and tools scattered throughout the residence. " Appliances in use? Was he making a smoothie? Doing laundry? This Florida Man criminal was charged with burglary and resisting an officer.

Lee County Sheriff's Office

Lee County Sheriff's Office