Florida Emergency Alert System Apologizes For for Interrupting Your Dreams
Florida Emergency Alert System Apologizes For for Interrupting Your Dreams. If there’s anything that Floridians love more than sunshine… It’s being woken up in the wee hours of the morning…

Florida Emergency Alert System Apologizes For for Interrupting Your Dreams.
If there's anything that Floridians love more than sunshine... It's being woken up in the wee hours of the morning by an emergency alert. And boy, did we get a doozy on Thursday!
At 4:45 AM, phones across the state lit up with a notification from the Emergency Alert System. But don't worry, it was just a test. No need to panic... Unless you were already in the middle of a nightmare about a hurricane or an alligator attack.
Unfortunately, the apology from the Florida Division of Emergency Management wasn't enough to soothe the outrage of those who were rudely awoken by the alert. I mean, who needs sleep, right? We all know that Floridians are a tough bunch, and a little thing like an early morning wake-up call isn't going to faze them.
Of course, the real question is: who thought it was a good idea to schedule an emergency alert test for the middle of the night? Did they think that Floridians were all early birds who would be up and ready to respond to an emergency at the crack of dawn? Or maybe they just wanted to see how many people would tweet angrily about it while half asleep.
Florida Wake Up:
But fear not, dear Floridians. According to NBC2, Governor Ron DeSantis has promised swift accountability for this early morning fiasco. And by "swift accountability," we can only assume that he means that someone is going to get a stern talking-to and maybe have to bring donuts to the office as a peace offering.
In the meantime, let's all take a deep breath and remember that emergencies can happen at any time. And if we can't laugh about being woken up at 4:45 AM by a test alert, what can we laugh about? Just don't tell that to the person who missed their morning coffee because of it.
Florida High School Seniors Are Bringing Actual Live Goats To The Prom
This is really happening and we have Tik Tok video evidence to prove it. Florida High School Seniors and Class of 2023 Prom attendees from around the country are jumping onto this trend. It looks like it got it's start in West Palm Beach, Florida. And it's not just having your prom pictures taken with a goat. Bringing that goat to prom. Well, maybe not in the building. But the pictures do look amazing. So why bring a goat to prom? It all goes back to Michael Jordan.

Jordan is widely known as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time). This year's Seniors are the class of 2023. Jordan wore the number 23, hence a graduating class calling itself the GOAT. And although their logic may seem a bit of a stretch, they are committed to it. JerMarcus Askew of West Palm Beach, Florida's Palm Beach Lakes Community High School, told The New York Post “I brought a goat to prom because I’m known in my city for being the greatest when it comes to fashion and photography. And I wanted to show everyone that I really am the greatest of all time.”
Florida High School student JerMarcus rented the goat named Naija from a local farmer for $100. And although they look amazing together, he didn't bring the goat into the venue.
JerMarcus and his "date"
Others are joining in on the trend
This photoshoot...
I'm loving this trend
There's farms all over this part of Florida so if you want to jump in on this trend for prom, make some calls. But if you're gonna do it - do it big. Class of '23. year of the GOAT.