4 Florida Cities Have Been Named Among The Worst Drivers In The Nation
Driving in Florida is quite dangerous. I think have some of the worst drivers in the country. The traffic from Naples through Fort Myers on 41 is just relentless. Sometimes you forget just how bad it is until you go somewhere else. I was in Columbus, Ohio last month and was downtown in the noon hour. I could easily cross 3 lanes in less than a block to make a left turn. And that’s a major city. Here in Florida, it’s sometimes a challenge to even leave a parking lot without a stoplight. No one wants to let you out. We’re a dangerous blend of meandering snowbirds and aggressive locals. But how do Florida cities stack up against other states when it comes to having the worst drivers?
A study was done that included statistics like speeding, citations, accidents, and DUI’s. Not to give away too many spoilers, but I’ll be honest, if you think it’s bad here in Florida – you should try driving in California.
Orlando comes in at number 28 on this top 30 worst drivers list.
The reasons cited were the high number of speeding citations and accidents. If you’ve ever driven down I4 on your way to one of the theme parks, you know this to be true. There’s even a section of I4 in Sanford that’s reportedly haunted, built over the top of unmarked graves. They call it “The Dead Zone”. There’s been reports of paranormal activity such as floating orbs, poor cell reception, and mysterious happenings. I think driving in Florida is dangerous enough, we don’t need ghost roads, too.
Miami is a little worse, they’re number 24 on the list.
Miami has a high number of accidents with citations. Which usually means that someone was driving in an unsafe manner and caused the wreck. The next time you’re in Miami, look around at the other vehicles. A lot of them have scuffed bumpers, dents, and other marks. It’s tough to keep your car looking nice in Miami. Body shops there must make a killing.
At number 14, it’s Tampa.
The study cites Tampa as having a high accident rate, high DUI offenses, and speeding. True, true, and true. People race over the Gandy Bridge, which can lead to accidents. And the drinking? The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office reported 53 DUI arrests over the New Years weekend.
Finally, the Florida city with the worst drivers. Jacksonville.
Jacksonville is the 10th worst city nationwide on this list. They’re one of the worst places in the country for speeding, resulting in a high number of citations. Part of this results from the high number of speed traps in the area. If you’re not familiar with the area, there’s a lot of places where you’d think the speed limit would be higher than it actually is. And that’s how they get you.
After Jacksonville, the top 10 on the list is dominated by California. Bakersfield took the highest spot particularly thanks to all the DUI’s. They also have a high ranking for speeding, citations, and accidents. California is no joke, I only Uber when I’m there. A few years ago when I was in Los Angeles I saw a police officer furiously pounding on his steering wheel because he couldn’t get past all the traffic. He had his lights and sirens activated – but no one cared.