The Latest Fitness Trend: Retro Walking
Hot girl summer will be here before you know it. That means you have the rest of winter and spring to kick it into gear. There’s a new fitness trend…

Hot girl summer will be here before you know it. That means you have the rest of winter and spring to kick it into gear. There’s a new fitness trend going around called retro walking.
What is retro walking?
The trend of retro walking involves walking backward on a treadmill or an elliptical machine. A few studies have been done on the potential benefits of retro walking. People who walked backward on a treadmill for 30 minutes at a time over four weeks increased their balance, according to a study.
Interestingly, a group of women decreased their body fat and boosted their cardiorespiratory fitness after a six-week program of backward walking, according to a clinical trial.
On TikTok, an occupational therapist praised the workout. “By walking backward, you strengthen all muscles you don’t use in your knees daily,” the TikToker said.
Retro walking isn’t a new concept. CNN reported that people in China have been walking backward for centuries for physical and mental health. Moving backward is also common in sports. There’s even a Guinness Record holder, Plennie Lawrence Wingo, who reverse-walked from Santa Monica, California to Istanbul, Turkey in 1932.
Follow fitness trends wisely.
Not every fitness trend you see on social media is worth trying out. The New York Times reported that there are an estimated 50,000 fitness influencers on Instagram. Sometimes these fitness influencers promote fitness advice that’s misguided or dangerous.
A study from last year found that nearly two-thirds of the 100 most popular fitness influencers lacked sound advice or posted messages that could negatively affect people’s mental and physical health.
It’s worth mentioning that before beginning any new exercise program, you should consult your doctor. It’s also best to stop immediately if you experience pain.
Check out more of this fitness trend here.
13 Types Of People You’ll Definitely Spot At The Gym
Step into any gym, and you'll encounter a fascinating mix of people. From dedicated fitness enthusiasts who make it their second home to the occasional gym-goers looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the gym is a melting pot for different types of people. Whether you encounter the chiseled bodybuilders grunting their way through their workouts and pushing their limits, the energetic cardio enthusiasts dripping with sweat, or the tranquil yogis seeking balance and inner peace.
You'll find a little bit of everything at the gym, each person with their unique goals and motivations, all hustling to become the best version of themselves. While the gym's environment is diverse, you can always count on seeing these 12 types of people.
The Grunter
You can't miss them! They're the ones who unleash a symphony of intense sounds with every rep and lift. Picture this: as they push their limits, they let out a mix of grunts, groans, and maybe even a few primal screams. It's like they're summoning their inner beast to move those weights. Some people find it amusing, while others are in awe of their raw determination. Love it or find it a bit over the top, there's no denying that the grunter is fully committed to giving it their all.

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The Selfie-Obsessed
The selfie-obsessed person at the gym, always ready to strike a pose. You'll often find them strategically positioning themselves in front of the mirrors, smartphone in hand, capturing every angle of their workout. They spend more time adjusting filters and finding the perfect lighting than breaking a sweat. It's as if their main goal is to document their gym experience rather than truly engage in it. While some might roll their eyes at their self-indulgence, you can't deny their commitment to curating the perfect fitness-focused social media feed.

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The Equipment Hoarder
Beware of the equipment hoarder at the gym! They are the ones who seem to lay claim to every piece of equipment in sight. You'll notice them piling up dumbbells, barbells, and resistance bands around their workout station as if creating their own personal fitness fortress. They may jump from one machine to another without giving others a chance, leaving a trail of sweat and equipment in their wake. It's as if they believe possession is nine-tenths of the workout. While their determination to get the most out of their gym session is admirable, it's important to remind them that sharing is caring.

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The Bodybuilder
Bodybuilders are all about building and sculpting those muscles. You'll often find them spending a ton of time at the gym, lifting weights like there's no tomorrow. They focus on specific muscle groups, hitting them from all angles to promote muscle growth and definition.

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The Fit Couple
At the gym, you might come across couples working out together. They are often seen supporting and motivating each other during their fitness journey. They may engage in activities such as partner workouts, spot each other during weightlifting, or participate in group fitness classes together.

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The Social Butterfly
Some gym-goers treat the gym like their own personal social club. It's not just about sweating it out for them. It's about having a good chat and making connections while they're at it. They love striking up conversations, whether it's with the regulars they see every day or with someone they've never met before. They’ll be mid-workout, and you'll see them cracking jokes, sharing fitness tips, and maybe even gossiping.

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Insanely Fit Senior
There are some elderly people out who are all about staying fit and healthy. They understand the importance of maintaining their mobility, strength, and overall well-being. You'll often find them at the gym, doing low-impact exercises or joining specialized classes tailored just for seniors.

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The Slow-Paced Gym Goer
In every gym, you'll likely come across a slow-paced gym goer. These individuals prefer a more relaxed and leisurely approach to their workouts. They take their time, focusing on proper form and technique rather than rushing through exercises. You might see them moving at a slower pace on the cardio machines or using lighter weights during strength training. They prioritize listening to their bodies and avoiding pushing themselves too hard.

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Cardio Enthusiast
They're all about getting their heart rate up and keeping those lungs pumping. You'll spot them on the treadmills, bikes, or elliptical machines, going the distance to improve their endurance and keep their cardiovascular health in check.

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The Wannabe Trainer
The "wannabe trainer" is usually a gym-goer who seems to think they're the next fitness guru. You'll spot them giving unsolicited advice, offering tips, and demonstrating exercises to anyone within earshot. They may not be certified personal trainers, but that doesn't stop them from giving out their "expertise." Sometimes they mean well, wanting to help others, but other times, they just love the sound of their own voice. They might correct your form, suggest different exercises, or even try to design a whole workout plan for you.

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The Fashionista
They put significant effort into their workout attire and always look stylish at the gym. They may wear the latest fitness fashion trends and accessories. You'll often spot them rocking the latest fitness fashion trends, from sleek and colorful activewear to high-performance sneakers. Some do say, "when you look good, you feel good."

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The Early Riser
You'll find them at the gym bright and early, even before the sun has fully risen. While the rest of the world is still cozy in their beds, these dedicated people are already breaking a sweat. Whether hitting the weights, jumping on the treadmill, or joining an early morning class, they're committed to squeezing in their workout before the rest of the world wakes up.

Bet_Noire/ Getty Images
The Night Owl
Apparently, fitness doesn't rest, even when the sun goes down. Night owl gym goers prefer to hit the gym when most people are calling it a day. While everyone else is getting ready for bed, they're lacing up their sneakers and heading out for a late-night workout. You'll find them in the gym, pushing their limits and getting their adrenaline pumping when the rest of the world is in dreamland.

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