
Badger Pretends to be a Cat After Joining a New Family

A family was confused after realizing their family cat was really a badger. Yes, that is right, a family did not notice that they were harboring a wild animal. After…

circa 1850: The common badger, a nocturnal animal of the otter and weasel family. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Hulton Archive / Stringer

A family was confused after realizing their family cat was really a badger.

Yes, that is right, a family did not notice that they were harboring a wild animal. After the creature snuck into the cat door in their home, the badger took a nap and stole a lot of food.

The Scottish SPCA reported on the odd incident on their website. SPCA Officer Connie O’Neil was the rescue person who was called to the house and discovered the animal.

On the SSPA’c website, she recalled “He had gotten in through the cat flap and had eaten all the cat food before going for a sleep on the cat bed. He didn’t seem happy when I tried to move him but I was able to slide the cat bed round and it was then that the badger noticed the back door was open so [he] made a run for it!”

We don’t blame the badger for being upset about being woken up. We would feel the same way, too.

Chief superintendent, Mike Flynn noticed “Like all wild animal badger can be aggressive when injured or cornered so we would advise not to go near or touch them without giving us a call first.”

If you our your family happen to find a badger instead of your cat, make sure not to bother the wild animal. Like Mike stated before, they can be mighty aggressive especially when they are displaced. Make sure to call animal rescue officials who would have the correct training in order to remove the wild creature from your home. Not to worry, they will do so in a humane manner that will ensure yours and the animal’s safety.

Regardless, this family definitely has something hilarious to talk about on their next holiday. It is not every day that you think a badger is a cat.

Sarah is a Hufflepuff living in NYC. When she is not traveling or talking to random animals, she is working as a script writer. Tweet her at @lumpyspacederp