PASADENA, CA – SEPTEMBER 19: Filmmaker George Lucas’ “Star Wars” character Wicket the Ewok attends the unveiling of the Grand Marshal for the 2007 Tournament of Roses Parade at Tournament House on September 19, 2006 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
Michael Buckner/Getty ImagesIf you've ever nerded out at the movies over an animal in an animated series, science fiction, or book-to-movie film, you have wanted one of these animals.
Porgs, 'Star Wars'
Porgs are the bird-like animals with the giant eyes that inhabit the island Luke Skywalker went to hide from the world on in The Last Jedi. The animals were actually birds that were on location, and they could not be removed from the visual effects team. They decided then to make those birds into an animal called the Porg. You can see some of their concept art here on Kotaku.
Thestrals, 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'
Though most 'Harry Potter' fanatics would rather have a hippogriff, the flying bird/lion that Harry meets in Hagrid's first Care of Magical Creatures class, we opted for a different animal. Thestrals, which are almost the same as a hippogriff, but they are mostly like bats/skeletons. They can only bee seen by people who have seen death, which seems a little dark, but at the same time, when people who haven't seen death look at a Thestral, they cannot see it. So that's pretty cool in our book!
Tribble, 'Star Trek'
The description of a Tribble, as told by Wired, is the following: "The most insidious invaders ever to threaten the Enterprise, these fuzzy little low-budget infiltrators first win Lt. Uhura's affections, prompting her to take one aboard. From there they sneak into the air vents, storm the bridge and drink Kirk's coffee. Only one thing keeps them from taking over the Enterprise and from there, the galaxy: No hands, man." Though they are baddies, capable of eating, reproducing and "making Klingons uneasy," these fluff balls sort of look like kittens without faces... or do they have faces? *shudder*
House Elves, 'Harry Potter'
House Elves are servants of the wizarding world, but they have a shameful background as being a slave. The pillowcase-type looking clothes they wear are "a mark of the house elves enslavement," as Dobby tells Harry Potter in The Chamber Of Secrets, and can only be freed from slave labor by being presented with clothes. Still, considering if you had a house elf, they can perform some magic, so they'd be worth hanging around. Just make sure you're being kind to them!
The Great Eagles, 'The Hobbit' and 'Lord Of The Rings'
Always playing a gigantic role in Middle Earth are the Great Eagles, which are the giant birds that typically are helping others to safety, or in the case of this clip from The Hobbit series, also are great for battling. Plus, I'm sure you don't have to pay car insurance if you've got a Great Eagle at your disposal.
Groot, 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'
Yes, though Trees itself exist, a little talking tree does not. Groot, whether an adult, child, or teenager, he always tugs at the heartstrings. I would totally love one to hang out with on my downtime.
Ewoks, 'Star Wars'
Though Ewoks look like space bears with sharp sticks, their noises and purrs are somehow both hilarious and cute, even if they're sort of ugly and have bad teeth. Leia thought so.
Gizmo, 'Gremlins'
I'm blaming the desire of having a Mogwai on the whole Furby movement. Mogwai like Gizmo are adorable, but if you've actually watched 'Gremlins' before, you know exactly why they'd be the worst pet: can't get them wet, can't feed them after midnight, all of that.
Pikachu, 'Pokemon'
Depending on your age, your first exposure to Anime would be something like 'Pokemon' or 'Sailor Moon,' so it's no surprise that someone like Pikacu would make the list. Many of the Pokemon in the original series would be worth choosing, but Pikachu is the most famous of all Pokemon.
The Crystal Fox, 'Star Wars'
It was an animatronic puppet that was scanned for CGI, but man did these Crystal Foxes look like something we would love to have as a pet. They were super pretty, and also were very helpful toward the end of their on-screen time.
What pet would you have loved to have at your side? Tell us in the comments!