Big Charges Against College Admissions Scandal Parents
These Are the Big Charges Against College Admissions Scandal Parents The charges against parents, coaches and administrators who allegedly used cheating and bribes to get a hot spot in school for their kids are huge. Actresses Lori Loughlin is accused of paying up to $500,000 to have her two daughters “recruited” to USC’s crew team so they could be admitted to the school. Felicity Huffman is accused of shelling out $15,000 so that her daughter would “score” 1420 on her SAT exam. Loughlin and her husband EACH posted $1 million bonds to get out of the slammer. While the actresses paid major cash in the bribe, they were busted after two anonymous sources indicted in the scheme started naming names. The leader of the business that took the bribes has entered a guilty plea of racketeering conspiracy and money laundering. Do you think more schools, coaches and parents will be named in similar busts if Feds decide to take a further look?