Farewell To Christmas
It finally happened. I walked into the Sunny 106.3 studios this morning and just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. Farewell to Christmas. It was almost like the Grinch…

It finally happened. I walked into the Sunny 106.3 studios this morning and just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. Farewell to Christmas. It was almost like the Grinch himself had been in here overnight. Not one stick or scrap of anything was left behind. No bows no glitter, no twinkling lights. I have always been told you are suppose to have your Christmas decor down by January 5th. The Sunny folks apparently thought so too. You'll find a behind the scenes video below.

It was so festive in the studio. Farewell Christmas.
Christmas at Sunny 106.3
It all began at the end of November when Southwest Florida's Official Christmas Station flipped to nothing but holiday music. All day, every day. When I came into work the following Monday it was like Christmas had exploded in the studio. Trees, lights, paper stars, elves, and even wrapped packages. That video is below as well. Along with video proof that I kidnapped Santa. I took him on a road trip during my vacation.
This is my first Christmas at Sunny and I thought by the time the big day actually arrived I would be climbing the walls. I mean with the music, the decor, constantly in my face. However, it made me happy. I loved opening the door everyday and seeing the lights. How warm it was. Spiritually and physically. The temperature in the studio is usually cold but all the lights warmed it up.
I also loved how happy it made my co-workers. There were some who walked in every morning. They would breathe in the decorations and listen to the music. It was like a decompression chamber for many. Plus, I think after all we've been through in Southwest Florida following Hurricane Ian, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy, and have it at work to boot.
My first Christmas at Sunny 106.3 was awesome. I can't wait until next year but for now, farewell to Christmas. Here are the videos I mentioned.