As I was growing up, my Mom was quite the woman. One of the great things about her was her ability to make friends with everyone. My Grandma, the same.
Friendly. Loving.
We knew our neighbors. We looked out for our neighbors and vice versa. I love that that was the norm.
I really can not imagine NOT knowing the people in my neighborhood. No matter where I move, I want to know who all is around me.
The ‘Perfect Neighbor’ stereotype is said to be someone you get along with and can borrow a cup of sugar from. My neighbors go the extra miles.
At one of the homes we bought, the lady next door brought over a home made strawberry pie. The pie was delicious and we became great friends……and still are 😉
Another town we moved to, neighbors brought us dinners. Again, fabulous dinners and more new friends!
Fast forward to recently and where I live currently. I had all kinds of illnesses going on at once so a couple of the ladies in the ‘hood brought me every kind of over the counter medication to help me feel better along with soups and kleenex. Of course they dropped it at my front door and ran haha! I don’t blame them.
I absolutely love that I know the people around me. We actually check on each other frequently.
IF YOU don’t know your neighbors, let me suggest introducing yourself the next time you see them out. Perhaps they live alone and have no one else. We all need to look after each other and it just takes a moment of your time. Besides, you never know when you may need a friend yourself.
Written by
Sheila Book